Embroidery, Food, Garden

Ravishing Radishes

You may remember my last veggie embroidery post a while back, New & In Season. Well, keeping with the theme I thought I’d share with you the latest addition to my stitched up produce wall pieces: The Radish.

Back when I first started these little pieces, I certainly didn’t think that they would be as popular as they had. The beet and broccoli pieces have been such a hit. I fully intend to keep on going with this theme and following up with a farm to table recipe to match. Stay tuned for next week’s blog on a roasted radish recipe.

As promised, I’ve got a kale wall hanging coming up next, so don’t worry!

A little bit more about these is that they are three inch hoops, which are smaller sized hoops than I typically do, but I wanted to allow for focus on the intricacy of stitching while keeping the cost down. Visit the shop and fill up your cart with this radish hoop, beets, broccoli, and an “Eat Your Veggies” Towel.

Is there a fruit or veggie that you’d like to have an embroidery hoop of? Let me know and I’ll get stitching!


That Day for the Mothers & Mamas

Yea, so I have been a little quiet on the blog again. I have to say there has been no shortage of excitement here on my end! I’m completely in love with my latest and greatest venture of managing Paisley Farm and Greenhouses and all the excitement that that entails especially now that spring is upon us. On top of that, I’ve had the chance to sit down with Northshore Magazine for a lovely chat and interview as well as the craziness of getting ready for Mother’s Day!

That’s right, the day for celebrating Mama’s and all those Mama-like is getting closer. Of course, I’ve got the 2021 “I Love You, Mom” Towel ready to go in the shop and I’ve even got the Happy Mother’s Day Card to match. I highly recommend getting your orders in by May 1st to ensure arrival by Mother’s Day as the post office has been a little slower than normal lately. I’ve also got a few other new items listed in the shop as well, so feel free to browse and add to your cart. (wink, wink)


Longing for Normalcy

I don’t know about y’all, but I think we’re all getting a little stir-crazy. The Pandemic has been tough on all of us and, unfortunately, it’s not quite over with yet. Although, I am very excited to announce I got my first vaccine dose this week. While I sat post shot, I day dreamed of all of the things I’ve been longing to do. Most of which consist of having a glass of wine on a patio and… traveling.

I wasn’t exactly a jet-setter before the Pandemic, but not having the ability to hop on a plane when I want sure does make the itch to travel a little itchier. I’ve always wanted to go to Italy. I’m hoping in the next few years that could be a possibility, but until then stitching up some destination pillows is the best I can do.

For those of you that can think back to what feels like 500 years ago to November, I hosted a little custom order sale. Well, I sure had a lot of pillows to stitch over the holidays. Some of which I cannot share due to personal information being stitched on them, but this little, lovely London piece came out great. Simple, sleek, and looks great on a plush leather couch.

Again, while I won’t be able to travel anytime soon, stitching in my free time allows me an escape. One I’m very grateful for. I hope you are doing well, staying in good health, and taking time to take care of your mental health.

Embroidery, Updates

Galentine’s & Valentine’s

That time of year when celebration of friendship and love is about to fall upon us… I’ve been busy in preparation, or maybe just shoveling snow. It depends on the day, I suppose. Either way, I wanted to stitch up something special for the occasion. The standard “I love you” seemed a little textbook after the 2020 and rocky start to 2021 that we all experienced. I thought something a little more meaningful was in order.

“You Are Loved”

“You are loved.” I think with the inability to see close friends and family over the last year due to this pandemic has made being able to share love increasingly difficult. Perhaps, I just needed to meditate on the words themselves. Maybe you know someone that does too? No matter what you are experiencing this season, please know that you are loved.

This “You Are Loved” Hoop is now listed in the shop and available for purchase. Thank you for your continued support. I’m grateful for all the blog love and readership over the years.

Happy Galentine’s & Valentine’s Day!

Embroidery, Food, Garden

New & In Season

Are you expecting a farm to table like post listing all the veggies that are in season during the month of January? Well, while this isn’t exactly what this post is, I’m certainly playing off of it though. As you know, I love vegetables. I love growing them, cooking with them, and most definitely, eating them!

As part of my goal for 2021, I wanted to have my embroidery reflect my love of produce and my embroidery skills. With that being said, here are the first of many new mini veggie hoops I will be introducing to the shop. First to be released are beets and broccoli!

And, yes… beets and broccoli are in season this month. I will be releasing new vegetable embroidery as the veggies are in season. Next on the list are radishes and kale. A little bit more about these is that they are three inch hoops, which are on the smaller than I typically do, but I wanted to allow for focus on the intricacy of stitching while keeping the cost down. Visit the shop and fill up your cart with beets, broccoli, and an “Eat Your Veggies” Towel.

Is there a fruit or veggie that you’d like to have an embroidery hoop of? Let me know and I’ll get stitching!

custom, Embroidery, Updates

Happy New Year (SALE) ALL Month Long

Well, in all honesty, I had this blog post written a couple of days ago but got completely distracted by the news. That being said, Happy New Year! I know it’s been a minute since my last post, but let me tell you! I have been stitching away since Black Friday. Thank you to everyone that put in custom orders and helped a humble little maker like me make it through the holiday season. I’ve been able to spend the first few days of 2021 resting and planning for this year, no matter what it brings!

I thought I’d start this year off a little differently… with a sale! I am doing yet another special on custom embroidery orders since the Black Friday Sale was such a hit! So, any custom embroidery order deposit that is made in the month of January will receive 10% off of their final purchase.

Here are some examples of past work. Let’s get creative whether you want a wall piece, apron, towel, handmade pillow, or something else… I’m ready to design and create.

How It Works

  1. Start thinking about your custom order whether it’s a towel, wall art, pillow, etc. 
  2. If you have questions, email me
  3. Make a deposit on your custom order here.
  4. Wait for me to contact you to begin the process of designing your custom order. 
  5. I will stitch, stitch, stitch!
  6. Upon the completion of your special creation, I will send you an invoice for the final product and you’ll receive 10% off of the final order. 

I’m looking forward to stitching up your custom embroidery soon!

custom, Embroidery, Updates

Black Friday Special All Week Long!

Here we are…Thanksgiving week! I’ve got my to-do list of cooking tasks ready to go and I cannot wait for the feasting, relaxing, and pecan pie. I’ve been making a point to reflect on all of the things I’m thankful for this year, despite the nuttiness of 2020.

I’m incredibly grateful for all of you that continue to read my blog, like my social media posts, and continue to support my small business. To show my gratitude, I’m hosting a Black Friday Special that is running all week long. All those that place a custom embroidery order this week will receive 15% off of their final purchase.

I’ve never hosted a special like this! It’s exciting! Check out some examples of custom work I’ve done in the past and read on for more details!

How It Works

  1. Start thinking about your custom order whether it’s a towel, wall art, pillow, etc. 
  2. If you have questions, email me
  3. Make a deposit on your custom order here.
  4. Wait for me to contact you to begin the process of designing your custom order. 
  5. I will stitch, stitch, stitch!
  6. Upon the completion of your special creation, I will send you an invoice for the final product and you’ll receive 15% off of the final order. 

I’m looking forward to stitching up your custom embroidery soon!

Embroidery, Updates

Staying Sane & Stitching

Ok, ok… staying home is starting to get to me. I miss going out, I miss friends, I miss having a cup of coffee on a patio. Yes, I can see friends through Zoom and have a Cafe Au lait on my own porch, but after five months, it’s just not the same.

I have project after project to keep me occupied and flexing my creative muscles, but wow, what I’d give for a vacation. A beach sounds good right about now. (By all means, send me suggestions that are safe.) But alas, in Central Texas it’s slim pickin’s for beach options.

On the Upside

With all of the rain we’ve gotten the last week, I’ve had a little more time inside embroider which I find quite relaxing. I’ve brought out an old pattern from the archive. This is one of my favorites and my current garden has brought plenty of inspiration to start stitching this! “Eat your veggies” the age old mom saying at the majority of dinner tables, except ours! If you need an “eat your veggies” towel, you can purchase one in the shop.

Embroidery, Updates

Bluebonnets in Texas Towel

I feel like it’s been a minute since I last posted about what has been going on in the embroidery department. Needless to say, despite starting up a farm, canning, and refinishing furniture, I’m still stitching away. I’m upping the inventory in the Texas Towel Collection.

Texas Towel Collection

I’ve been slowly adding to the Texas Towel Collection. A couple of years ago, I designed these Bluebonnet in Texas towels and tested them out at the La Vallita Starving Artist Show. They flew out of my booth! I was completely sold out on the first day of the two-day event.

I’m looking forward to having the listed in the shop soon. You know, after I do a complete revamp that I’ve started this past weekend. If you cannot wait until the shop is up and running again, go ahead and contact me. I can get one shipped out to you!

12 Day of Crafting, Embroidery, Updates

The Lone Star Towel

A couple months ago I had posted a blog about all the things I was going to do during the Covid-19 lockdown, well… I’m on my way to completing that list and then some. Between moving, starting a farm, refinishing furniture, and thoroughly enjoying my life, I am still managing to get in some embroidery time.

IMG_3241Texas Towels

The most popular towel that I make is the Texas Towel. You know, the one with the outline of Texas with a heart where Austin is… yea, that one! Well, I have never experienced as much state pride anywhere as I have in Texas. I thought it would only be appropriate to continue to feed the beast so to speak. I’ve stitched up “The Lone Star State” Towel. It’s already in the shop ready to make it’s way to your kitchen.

Stay tuned because I have more Texas-themed towels in the works with bluebonnets, flowers, and more.