Embroidery, Updates

Embroidery Festivities

I realized it’s been some time since I’ve posted anything from the Embroidery Department.  I didn’t want you think I had been neglecting it, as that certainly has not been the case.  In fact, I’ve been quite busy in preparation for the Annual Starving Artist Fair in San Antonio hosted by the Little Church of La Villita.

I start preparing for this two-day event the first of the year.  I have restocked my inventory of “I Heart Texas” Towels from the Christmas rush (thanks to the Austin 360 article) I am beginning to stock “Yellow Rose of Texas” Towels as well.  This year, I am excited to announce a new design of “Our Lady Guadalupe.” I’m envisioning this towel will come to life with vibrant colors.

It’s funny… I don’t think the majority of people realize all the work that goes into just one towel. People only think about the time it takes to stitch the design, which can sometimes take hours on its’ own.  I wash and dry all my towels before I embroider them, then there is time to create the patterns, transfer the design to the towel, stitching them, then washing, drying, and ironing again… It takes hours, even days to make just one towel. That is why hand embroidery is considered a lost art.

I, on the other hand, thoroughly enjoy the time it takes to produce one of these works of art.  Enjoyment through every stitch.  I will have the “Our Lady of Guadalupe” will be in the shop soon! Keep a look out… of course, I’ll probably post a blog when she’s ready.

custom, Embroidery, Uncategorized

Custom Embroidery? Coming Right Up!

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Every wonder what I’m up to when I’m not posting awesome things on Instagram, writing my blog, sanding in the studio, or at Barton Springs…. This is it.  I have been stitching up a storm on custom embroidery wall art.

I’m so grateful to have all these custom orders coming in. They continue to help me survive as an “old lady” embroidery artist.  It’s great.  My favorite part about custom orders is that they challenge me to think differently and keep working to create the perfect piece for a client.  Ok, the second best thing, is making someone happy.

Take a look at some of the things I’ve been working on.  If you need a custom piece of your own, let me know.  I’d be delighted to get working on one.

Contact me at lauralee@madebylauralee.com


Embroidery, Uncategorized

Back to Embroidery

FullSizeRenderIt’s February 1st!  January flew by and it’s been since December I’ve posted anything about embroidery!  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been doing plenty in preparation for the big craft fair in April.  I’ve designed a couple new napkin sets for the occasion based on feedback I had received during the holiday season.  Many people loved the idea of having a themed napkin set, but for the most part, people didn’t seem dedicated to the concept of having all four match or two pairs in a set.  IMG_3594

What could I do for a theme?  I started thinking about seasonal produce.  Citrus and root veggies immediately came to mind.

Citrus: lime, lemon, orange, and my favorite, grapefruit.

Root veggies: red beets, golden beets, radish, and turnips.

I’m in love with them, but what do you think?!


12 Day of Crafting, Canning, Embroidery, Uncategorized

A Partidge & A Pear Tree

Today is the final day before the Handmade Holiday Show at OPA! I thought I would take a moment to share one more post with you before the big day! As promised in my last post on Wednesday, I have something a little on the matchy-matchy side.  To stick with the “what’s in season” category, I thought it only appropriate that pears should be included.  I will have pear embroidered tea towels as well as a pear canned good.  I’m feeling somewhat mysterious this morning and thinking that I might not actually reveal what the pear canned good is… just to leave you hanging, curious, and inquisitive.  Maybe you’ll feel so inspired as to come out tomorrow afternoon?

Hope to see you there, lovelies.

12 Day of Crafting, Embroidery

Orange is the New Black

IMG_3350Orange is the new black. Alright, admittedly I’ve never seen the show, but it’s a pretty appropriate title, don’t ya think?  Meaning to say…. Citrus is in season, baby! Not just actually in season at the local farmers market, but on my blog too!  I thought it would be a great idea to have matching towels with the canned goods I have prepared for this Saturdays event!  So, here it is Orange Curd and Orange towels!  Woot Woot!

For more info on Saturdays event at OPA click here!

Stay tuned for what matchy, matchy things I have for Thursday and Friday!

12 Day of Crafting, Embroidery

Something New!

FullSizeRenderI’m excited to announce I have a new towel for this Saturdays Bluebonnet Bazaar.  My herb towels were such a big hit in December, so much so that I decided that I would add more to my collection.

With warmer weather here Basil and Cilantro are making their appearance at Austin farmers markets, it seems only appropriate that they do in towel form as well!

For more updates on new items follow me on Instagram @lilmisslauralee


Going with the Creative Flow

FullSizeRenderI’ve been pretty quiet on the blog and Facebook front lately.  Sometimes the body and mind just need a little down time.  I picked up an extra shift at work last week and, for whatever reason, my creative flow has been thrown off.  Perhaps the colder weather and allergies had something to do with it… Or maybe a little rest and relaxation is what the doctor ordered.

Either way, it was nice to have a few days of curling up in bed with my February book or snuggled up on the couch watching a movie.  I find day dreaming always useful too.  Daydreaming of new projects, taking a trip, falling in love… the stuff that the best dreams are made of.

FullSizeRenderWhile falling in love hasn’t actually come true yet and my next trip is in the works (not until April though), new projects are the easiest to breathe life into.  Embroidery is the most natural way for me to slip back into my creative rhythm as well.  I’ve started another set of dinner napkins: peas in a pod.  Simple, adorable, and a nice little item to check off my project list.

As part of my day dreaming project list, I have had a little bit of an itch to get back into fine art.  I had a day dream of having an art showing at a gallery space or coffee shop.  I know that embroidering vegetables on napkins is a long way off, but it is just one more thing to work towards.

For now, I will keep stitching….


12 Days of Crafting: Day 8

Day 8: Embroidered Towels

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Today, I have been an emailing mad woman trying to get all sorts of events and gigs lined up for 2015.  All my coffee started to set in and I got so wrapped up that I completely lost track of time and forgot that I hadn’t posted Day 8!  Yikes!

I will have lots of embroidered hand towels available this coming Saturday at the Bluebonnet Bazaar!  Make sure to click through the slide show!

Again, I apologize for the short post.  I need to get ready for work.  (Yes, work work.  Not quite ready to quite the “day job” and start crafting full time)


Embroidery At It’s Best

IMG_0020_2A year ago, a couple girlfriends and I took an embroidery class at a small sewing shop, appropriately named Stitch Lab.   Embroidering was something I always wanted to pick up, but the thought of needle and thread, or any needlework craft, seemed very intimidating.  My Grandmother is incredible with a needle and thread.  She could sew anything. Her embroidery and cross stitch work, all done by hand, looked as perfect as if it were done by a machine.  I felt like I had a lot to live up to.  I realize when you are learning something new you have to be very kind to yourself.  Even thoughI know this, when I get in front of people, I immediately feel as if I have to get it right, and perfect, on the first try.  I will say, it was a humbling experience. French knots and the stem stitch were the only things standing in my way from my first timer perfection.

Immediately after taking the class, I became an embroidery fool.  Sitting and impatiently waiting at the Doctor’s office, I would bust out my needle and hoop.  Every time I send off a gift basket of jams & jellies, I would throw in a towel.  It is therapeutic and relaxing.  It forces me to slow down in a wold that is constantly go, Go, GO! The best thing I have gotten out of embroidery is the bond that has been created between my Grandmother and I.  Whenever I start a new towel, napkin, bag, etc. I always think of my Grandmother.  Would this be something she would want in her kitchen? On her table?  I have been completely in love with embroidering flour sack towels with herbs or produce.  I have gotten the Nettie Stamp of Approval.  Now, I’m not quite to her level of mastery, but I think I’m on my way!